Premiación Mejor Artesana Extranjera 2023 en los 50 años

The Board of Trustees of the Flower and Coffee Fair awards exhibitors

The Flower and Coffee Fair is an annual tradition in Panama, which in 2023 will be held from January 12 to 22.

The fair is a celebration of the richness and diversity of agriculture in Panama, with an emphasis on flower cultivation and coffee processing.

During the fair, a number of events and outdoor activities take place, including parades, concerts, flower shows and coffee tastings. There are also a variety of stands selling local products, such as crafts, food and drinks.

The Flower and Coffee Fair is one of the best fairs in the country. The organization and execution of the event requires a series of planning and the most important is the preparation of the gardens that begins in May. The gardens are the main attraction offered by the Flower and Coffee Fair , which is located in a privileged area in the Boquete District, on the banks of the Calder River.

Vice President José Gabriel Carrizo Jaén said that “the impressive landscapes of the fair provide a magic that seduces visitors and makes them feel unforgettable experiences.”
The Flower and Coffee Fair celebrates its 50th anniversary with the motto “You are part of our history”, offering among its main attractions an exhibition of beautiful flowers, orchids and plants.

The Board of the Flower and Coffee Fair awarded recognition medals to five exhibitors, divided into five different categories, after an evaluation by a jury. Among the award-winning exhibitors, we highlight:

Best Private Company

Local C33 / Services and Construction S&E Better

National Artisan

Local 17 / Emily Araúz

Best Foreign Artisan

Local A58/ Kocobelo / Serena Rinaudo

Best Coffee Shop

Local C17/ Witch Love / Aldo Young

Best Public Institution

Local S10/Boquete Mayor's Office.

"You are part of our history"

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